‘Unseen’ landscape of the Peruvian margin, a geological and oceanographic view‘Unseen’ landscape of the Peruvian margin, a geological and oceanographic view

Last night Gerome Calves from the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse France  gave a fascinating review of the Pacific offshore shelf margin areas of Peru. From only a little borehole and oilfield seismic data (3D), but a large volume from the oceanographic and fisheries domains he and his team of students were able to build a comprehensive recent geological history of the erosional and depositional stages of  this region. Discussion followed around the erosional effects of some the strong ocean currents ( Humboldt and others ) through recent geologic all history.

The detailed charts and sections in his slides will be made available to you on this page within the coming days, click the link when it appears – HERE 

Thank you Gerome for visiting us at Geoscience Wales 


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