Company Information

Geoscience Wales Limited has the company’s headquarters in Conwy in North Wales, United Kingdom where it maintains a small office facility.

The Company holds regular meetings for its Associates and the wider earth science community in Wales.  The management team consists of a Board of Directors elected by the Company Members at regular Annual General Meetings as set down in the Memorandum of Association of the Company.

Company Policies

Geoscience Wales hold a number of policies to which the company adheres. Those that have external impact are –

Geoscience Wales Anti Bribery Policy

Geoscience Wales Data Management Policy

Geoscience Wales Gifts, Hospitality Guidelines

and if you require further information regarding any of these or require a copy, please contact


Unless stated to the contrary, all material on this web site is copyright of Geoscience Wales Ltd and those who have contributed publications. Duplication or sale of all or any part of it is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated for personal research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. Permission for any other use must be obtained from Geoscience Wales Ltd. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise, to any third party.

Management team

Office –

Chairman of the Board

Patrick Barnard


  • Andrew Barnwell
  • Richard Hatton
  • Mads Huuse
  • Eddie Merrick
  • Barrie Wells
  • James Keegan
  • Dave Wallis

Company registration

The Company, first registered in 2001, is registered in England & Wales, and is Limited by Guarantee with registration number 4433728.

Company registered office

Office 9, Connaught House
Riverside Business Park
Benarth Road
North Wales
United Kingdom
LL32 8UB

Company contact


Phone :   + 44 (0)1492 592425.

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