A Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation
Study, Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan

• A proprietary study to assess the stratigraphic trapping potential for gas in the Upper
Cretaceous Mughalkot Formation of the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan.    

• The study used detailed seismic stratigraphic modelling from 3D seismic. Seismic
stratigraphic analysis was carried out using IHS Kingdom™ and PaleoScan™ software.        
• The Mughalkot Formation represents marine basinal facies deposited west of a well
defined shelf break across the study area. From this, shelf, slope & basin could be
confidently delineated.                                                                                                  
• The study defined the following systems tracts: early lowstand basin floor fan, late
lowstand wedge, early highstand and late highstand.                                                       petex-2016-panel-5-ppl-zamzama-slides-for_page_3
• For each interval a systematic set of seismic facies maps, isopach and attribute maps
were derived and used to generate gross depositional environment (GDE) maps.             petex-2016-panel-5-ppl-zamzama-slides-for_page_4 Example above of Paleoscan™ model showing faults and two horizon constraints. This shows the structural complexity of this Himalayan foldbelt, which obscures the stratigraphy.                                                                                                                       
• From these a set of common risk segment (CRS) maps were derived which highlighted
most prospective systems tracks. Prospects were then generated, mapped , risked and
ranked. These consisted primarily of geobodies (amplitude anomalies) or as
discrete, mappable seismic units.                                                                                 petex-2016-panel-5-ppl-zamzama-slides-for_page_5

The project was successfully completed and drill ready prospects were presented to the client.                                                                                                                                                         
• The main body of work was undertaken by GWL associate companies Barnwell Parker
Geoscience Ltd (BPGeo) and Seismic Geoscience Ltd (SGL), with assistance from
Petrostrat Ltd & APT Ltd.

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